Here are three worth taking a close look at:
Already Pretty:
Of course I love this blog because its tone, in general, reminds me of mine! Sal writes about fashion-infused experiences as they impact her life. And because she does it so deliciously, I know I'm going to enjoy whatever she has to say. She roped me in with her rather serious, incisive posts about weight (and stepping on the scale). But she's quite light-hearted for the most part... And doesn't her blog win best name of the week!?
Please Sir:
This blog deserves an award for making tolerable - nay enjoyable - to me beautiful design layouts without calling up that lowbrow status anxiety which my husband likes to point out is beneath me. Somehow the photos shown are inspiring and democratic. More about dash than cash (and if that's not true I'd prefer to live in the fantasy). It's the renegade, design analogue of the downtown fashion blog. Could I actually be maturing, I wonder? Or is this site a work of genius? I'll let you decide...
That's the thing about exploring a new genre, before you know it, you find yourself smack dab in the middle of broader community. You know, like-mindedness and all that... At any rate, Please Sir hooked me up with Decorno (mash up of Decor and Porn) where I discovered a) witty, acerbic writing on a variety of entertaining topics and b) one of the most arresting images I've seen since, well, ever:

I'm not going to lie, this blog may test your ability to handle gorgeous interiors you will lament never being able to achieve...
Hold on. I'm taking that back. You know how we all love fashion whether it comes wrapped in Hermes ribbon or discovered, like a gem, off the beaten path? You know how personal style is a function of mindset, confidence and a great eye? Well I'm extending my boundaries, people. I hereby declare interior design fashion for your home. And if I can swing it fairly believably on my imperfect self with my imperfect budget, I can sure as hell do it with a piece of beautiful architecture.
Leading me to wonder, are blogs the new therapy?
Ooo, one I hadn't heard of! I'll have to take a look...
ReplyDeleteDecorno caught my eye!
ReplyDeleteI like the seeming infinity of blogs and the variety of subjects they cover. A friend has turned me on to Retro Renovation, a topic I thought I had no interest in, until I found myself routinely checking in. And learning: Edification is the best therapy!
Oh great, more blogs to add to my 130+ long list!
ReplyDeletethrow me a life vest!!!
ReplyDeleteHeeee, thanks for the kudos, lady! This made me giggle with delight.
ReplyDeleteAmbika: Let me know what you think!
ReplyDeleteSuzanna: Isn't it fantastic. So saucy. The (non-design oriented) post about "What's the worst thing you've ever done" was entirely fascinating. So many anonymous responses have I never seen! I'm going to check out retro renovation for sure.
E: Welcome to my world! And, btw, it's partly your fault that I have a new blog to add :-)
IM: You're going to love Please Sir, I know it.
Sal: Happy to plug such an enjoyable read!
Blogs might just be the new therapy, to me it is. I can just write away and have people comment on it and it's great.
ReplyDeleteBTW, would you like to do a link exchange with mine?
Fashion Addict: I'd love to do a link swap. I'll add you to my blogroll. Thanks! (See, it's validation without spending 150 bucks an hour :-))