Friday, September 5, 2008

Even More of My Favourite Things...

Have You Noticed? Australians are to fashion blogging what Scandinavians are to uber-chic, minimalist design. Which is to say rockin'. Of course, you are under no obligation to agree with me, though you will. (It's part of my evil genius :-))

OK, moving right along... If you haven't yet discovered these sites you have no more excuses. Click now!

Skylark & Son: This woman is tremendously creative, modern and fashion-forward all while running after an adorable toddler!

Lady Melbourne: Steely chic incarnate. Her hair is so shiny straight you'll wonder what pact she made with the pixies. And she always looks perfect. Seriously.

Style Discovery: My newest find... Songy profiles some very beautiful things. Can't wait to get to know this site better.

Imelda (The Despotic Queen of Shoes!): My blog boyfriend. Egad, I think I just outed myself :-) Matt is a genius with sole! (What is it with me and the puns today??)

Super Kawaii Mama: Elegance itself - with a feisty, subversive undertone. SKM is also a new mum but you'd never know from her fashion togetherness. She makes child-free, Hollywood starlets seem, frankly, a little blah.

Esme and the lane way: Also a new discovery, Esme reminds me vaguely of Naomi Watts with brown hair - which is to take nothing away from her uniqueness of character and style. Both of which she certainly has in spades.

PS - If I've neglected to mention any of my Australian daily reads, it's only because I haven't clued into the fact that you are not only great, but also from Down Under. If that's the case, please don't let me get away with such an oversight!


  1. I KNOW. Isn't it amazing how many of the best style bloggers hail from Oz? About half my blogroll, I think.

  2. Yes, we have come a long way since Safari Suits, And Jenny Kee knitted jumpers (I hope),
    And it is always lovely to see the outdoor shots with a glimpse of home.

  3. Sal: It's strange and wonderful. I want to go there and see what it's all about.

    Hammie: I know you lived in AUS, but I thought you were Irish and living in Ireland - which is the only reason I didn't add you to the list. So sorry if I was mistaken. Let me know if you see yourself as an Australian blogger. I have a feeling I'm going to have to do a follow up!

  4. What a nice article! I have always thought Aussies have a nice style happening - but maybe I am biased:) Although Aussie - and I have a blog - its not really a "style" blog. It was going to be, but I ramble about other things too much.

  5. Hummm... new blogs to check...
    Well, Imelda is well known as Matt is the best of bests.


  6. Thanks for all the new link and lovely comment - have a great weekend!

  7. Thank you so much for the lovely mention! On a foul windy stormy rainy morning trapped in the house with a stir crazy toddler, it's such a nice thing to read!

    PS. All the bloggers on your list are tres awesome!

  8. For ONCE, I'm on top of it. I'm five for six on this list. I'm off to Esme's house so I can be completely caught up.

  9. Nah, I'm not a true floggie. (fashion blogger)And I live in Dublin. Which is probably a good thing as I am using so many of Super K and Skylark's ideas each day when I get dressed. Getting a bit Bridget Fonda and Single White Female.
    But I am ridgey didge. Gonna go check out Songy and Esme now. Thanks for the tip xx

  10. Oh.. I was left out.. just kidding = ) Your blog is Kawaii nay!!! = ) How are you, been a while since I last visited = )

  11. I'm fairly new to the club of Aus ladies who blog but now I'm addicted. Hope you check me out sometime.

  12. *Blush*
    hehe it gave me a shiver, K.line.
    I always read your comments on enc's posts but never ventured into coming this way. I finally got here!

    If you do come down under you know where to find me... I always have fun reading all your comments and interaction you have with enc.

    Now I'll have to venture into having my own 'relationship' with you won't I? totally cool and exciting.

  13. Definetly agree, I've only heard of some of these thoug. Guess I'll be expanding my blogroll!

  14. Wow, thanks for reccomending those blogs!!! I think swedish bloggers are fabulous as well..

  15. Hello k.line, thank you a million times over for the lovely compliment, you have a great eye for serious bloggers from down under!

  16. Why thank you Ms K.Line. You certainly know how to flatter a girl! It really is an exciting time to be a fashion blogger in Aus. It seems like people, including our own media, are finally starting to catch on to the whole brave new fashion world we have going on here.

  17. PS. I have to let you know that I've tagged you for one of those blog award tag thingys on my blog, and I linked you too (finally!)

  18. yes, esme and the laneway! lovely. I just posted about some fellow aussies awhile back. we are quite awesome.

  19. OK - I love how new AUS bloggers - which is to say those I don't yet know - have commented here. I totally intend to check you out!

    Tea Lady: I too am a fashion blogger who rambles about everything. Could we make that its own category? :-)

    Seeker: Matt is the best!

    Please Sir: I'm having a great weekend - hope you are too (checking out AUS blogs!)

    Skye: I like to think I'm on the cutting edge! :-) I cannot get over your Friday post. Plus sized?!?!?

    Enc: I can't imagine a world in which you wouldn't be up on it! Howdya like Esme?

    Hammie: Floggie - I've never heard this. I love it! Maybe someday you'll write a bit about living in Dublin (maybe you have?). I've heard it is the most beautiful city.

    Poise: I'm sorry to have left you out! Fallen through the cracks. Eek.

    Lavender, I'm off to visit you today.

    Oooh, Songy. Blog friendship. It's so the best. It's amazing how long I looked at your comments for before actually clicking to your blog. I should've gone sooner. BTW, my husband and I were just having this whole convo about blog friendship!

    Jill - Check 'em out!

    Yiqin: Don't even get me started on the Scandi blogs. Do you read Ladybird's Nest? I LOVE them...

    Lady Melbourne: I can't tell you how impressed I am by your new TV show. You and SKM have to get together and do a talk show. Seriously. You have so much TVQ between the two of you it's ridiculous.

    SKM: I've been thinking about y'all for the past couple of days and what makes your blogs so compelling. Of course, the quality is very high but, what I find so unique about you (to generalize, totally) is that you are a very glamourous bunch. And you do a modern riff on tried-and-true motifs. Then I started thinking about AUS exports i.e. movie personalities, and I realized that they are all so glamourous. So it must be in the culture!

    Oooh, thanks Skye. I haven't been blogging this weekend but I'm getting caught up now.

    Ali: I'm going to have to check you out now. Thanks for commenting. K
