Thursday, July 30, 2009

Guido & Mary & Me

You know that awesome King Crimson song " Neal & Jack & Me"? This post has nothing to do with it but you should totally download that tune cuz it's excellent. And vintage.

This post is about my new Guido & Mary jeans that were so helpfully modeled recently by the 10 foot tall gorgeous woman who weighs, I estimate, 110 lbs. Here they are on a 5 foot 3 woman of rather different proportions :-)

Honestly, am I high on drugs to post photos of myself in these after showing off the studio shots of the fit model?? It's part of my "Real Women Post Photos of Themselves though Their Legs Might Not Be 6 Feet Long" campaign to encourage self acceptance. :-)


  1. Very sophisticated. the smile at the end makes the post. (that canary must have been quite tasty.)

  2. What, I think you look great? You just need a Francis patchwork plaid jacket to put over that outfit and you'll be my twin :-)

  3. Oh please. You're unbearably sexy and you know it!

  4. those jeans look great on you!
    i must say, as a fellow 5'3"er jeans are so difficult.. so difficult.

  5. They look fabulous on you. And jeans are difficult on everyone except that tiny segment of the population who have legs up to their armpits.

  6. King Crimson? Now THAT takes me back! You look awesome, by the way. That outfit should be your new uniform.

  7. Oh shush lovey, you look fantastic!!

  8. Great fit and Wendy's right - I want one of those patchwork jackets!

  9. no you're not high on drugs! you look fabulous! Not everyone understands the difference between how they look on the model and real life. It's way different. Not to mention the retouching that is done on top of the rail-thin model. lol. I think they look hot on you!

  10. 5'3?! You seem taller in your pics.
    The jeans are fab!

  11. Fabu. Is it warm in TO? I can never bear to put on trou. until Oct.

  12. you look amazing!!! flaunt it, girl!!!!

  13. these are great jeans, such a flattering fit!

  14. Merci Monkey!

    D.: Ha! (And it was.)

    Wendy: You are a wise woman!!

    Sal: You always know just what to say :-)

    Jennine: Thanks. And it is a bit tricky finding denim for our proportions.

    Mardel: It's true! What's up with those women? Why do they get all the good jeans? :-)

  15. Tessa: King C is awesome! (All the generations of it). And this outfit kind of is my uniform :-)

    Fab: Oh thank you!

    Fashion Dreamer - Merci, sweetie.

    Kate: Totally - that jacket would be perfect with these jeans!

    Maegan: That gives good perspective. It's true that they are touching up like crazy. I can't figure out how to do that on my photos :-)

    Raven: Now that's a compliment! In my mind I'm 5-8 :-)

    Miss C: It's been the most miserable of summers until 2 days ago. Of course we have no faith the heat will last, but we're staying optimistic. Sort of. And no, I can't bear jeans when it's actually warm.

  16. Droll, Pink and Iris: Thank you so much Ladies! I do enjoy these jeans tremendously. They manage to be tight (my preference) but soooooo comfy.
