Monday, July 13, 2009

Green Greens

This photo is regrettably fuzzy, but have a look at those delish greens (brought into Pantry, where we were dining, by some woman who actually grew them on a farm and transported them that morning). They are resting in a bamboo bowl. It's entirely recyclable - even reusable a few times, till it falls apart while washing. And the utensils were made of wood a la popsicle sticks. Cool, huh?


  1. Yum! If I could subsist healthily on salad and French fries, I totally would.

  2. The greens against that wood. Jeeze, Louise, that looks like a picture out of Real Simple. Gorgeousness.

  3. omg YES ..very cool ...and gorgeous!

  4. Fab: It was so vibrant tasting - I don't know how else to describe it.

    Sal: I believe it is possible.

    Bel: Oooh, I love that. Great call. That table is really beautiful. It's huge and it's at the back of the store and everyone sits around it and eats communally.

    Maegan: I know!

    Marta: You have to check it out - Pantry's on College a bit west of Dovercourt.
