Sunday, May 24, 2009

That Garden on My Walk Home (Take 3)

By mid-May, this beloved garden I walk by daily is taking on some gorgeous green...

See that cool modern bird feeder in the foreground of the last shot?


  1. There is an award for you over at my blog x

  2. Your place is absolutely picturesque. I just love it.

  3. Nice to see the evolution...


  4. god! canada makes the u.s.a. look like a frigging dump.

  5. Fab: Thank you!

    E: That place is on my walk to the daycare. When I relandscape my front yard, I'm going to model it on that. Steal from the best, I say!

    droll: You know, I'm just showing you some nice angles. There's a lot of scary views in every city!

  6. I second that.. Canada makes the US look like.. bleh on an overall-level, I still pine for NYC though. This reminds me of the brick stones in upper Manhattan.. Gosh your place is beautiful....

  7. GJ: You are so complimentary of Toronto, but really - there are some very awful spots here! As I said to drollgirl, I'm really showing you the cute stuff!
