Sunday, February 6, 2011

Orange You Glad To See This?

I managed to fuck this up one more time - again with the serger (which really did not get along with the double knit fabric and its tight curves). Resulted in slicing through the upper sleeve and having to a) rip out all the serging on the shoulder, b) rip out the stitches (after having ripped out two rows of basting), and c) recut the sleeve, reattach/rehem/re-serge (but this time WITH NO BLADE).

Really, this project has been a joy from start to finish.

But this post is a 2 for 1. You get to see the final garment on my new dress form!! (Note: It's not yet adequately "me-like" but it will have to do.)

The wrinkle at the neckline doesn't occur on my body (though the facing isn't the best ever - remember, I drafted half of it myself?) Also, my hips don't really look like that - well, the right side approximates my shape better than the left, but it's almost impossible to get the same curves going on both sides of the dress form.

I'll have you know that it is similarly too-tight on me - that's the bitch of having to take 2 inches out of the left side seam (the one where all the folds apex, even worse!?) to cover up the chunk of double knit my serger sliced through on the front skirt.

I would say, on balance, that this pattern fits true to small. If you are curvy i.e. wide hips or large bust, I would cut a size up if you're on the cusp. Mind you, if I hadn't screwed up the fabric, it would have fit like a dream (with room to maneuver). I know. I basted it together before I fucked it up. Painful, really.

My thoughts:
  • I'm never making this again...
  • ...Which is too bad, because I bet it would be fantastic now that I've ironed out the kinks.
  • This is not a beginner pattern IMO. Way to much detail work and when you use double knit to make a wiggle-dress, it becomes difficult to work with - the curves are tight.
  • It is best for a short-ish, narrow, curvy person, IMO. I think the pattern is drafted with that shape in mind.
  • Even if you are 4'11", add 2 inches to the skirt length. I suspect you'll need it.
Some projects are just challenged from the get-go. I know, were I to make it again, all the misery I encountered, this time around, would be mitigated by my previous experience. Not to mention, most of the misery seemed pure random.

Seriously, by the time I wrecked the sleeve, I could barely get fussed. It was so par for the course.

But I do intend to wear this next weekend - when I'm going on a special adventure. More detail to come...


  1. Wow! This is one HOT dress!!

  2. That is a seriously sexy dress.

  3. The color is stunning and I love seeing it on your form!

    Can't you just take a couple days off and try again? You're bound to make it perfect next time and it will look fabulous on you.

  4. I don't think it looks tight but HOT on the dress form. I mean, it's a special dress, not a workaday dress. Wear it proudly. Especially after all the work you put into it...

  5. Ouch! That is such a great colour, too. Topstitching pleats on a knit sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, but man what a hot dress. For what it's worth, I, too, will secretly hope you try it again, some time, when your mojo has recovered. Because you would be SMOKING in this dress.

    The dress form is looking good, too.

  6. Your dress looks great. Well done for persevering with it - I would have thrown it into the bin after the first disaster! Hopefully once you have some distance you will be able to look at it without remembering all the troubles.

  7. Wow! It looks fabulous already, on that dress form. With you in it, it will be truly devastating. I suspect you will resurrect this pattern (unless you've ripped and burnt it already, in which case you may eat humble pie and buy another).

  8. Despite all the (#W&$%($, I think it's a great dress. Too bad you won't make another one 'cause I think it is fabulous!

  9. Stacy: Not bad for a Butterick pattern, yes?

    Wendy: Thank you!

    Susan: Isn't it a great orange?? I think it's going to take more than a couple of days to forget this experience :-)

    Sewn: Thanks for that perspective!

    Tanit: Thanks! The dress form is coming along slowly...

    Josie: The bin was right next to me. You have no idea how close I came...

    F: Why thank you. I haven't burned it. I even traced it so I have a perfectly unmarred copy - and another that could probably be reused once more... (Not that I intend to avail myself of these options.)

    Jos: Thank you! OK, maybe someday I'll make the sleeveless one :-)

  10. You did a nice job. I'm almost afraid of this pattern though.

  11. Faye: I'm sorry if I've contributed to the fear. But sometimes it's good to get a few perspectives - and everyone else has been uniformly positive about it!

  12. The serger mishaps are awefull, I cringed for you while reading about them, having been in that place myself. One day the god of the serger decided that I did not deserve the nice and simple skirt I was making, so it ate it.

    Like everybody else said; The dress looks very hot on the dressform though. Maybe it's the perfect dress to be hot and bothered in?

  13. It sounds like a nightmare project but it's a stunning dress. Make sure you share some photos of you wearing it! You'll look great!

  14. I'm glad you persevered. It looks great! I agree, this is not a beginner pattern. There is a lot of prep and patience to make it but it's worth it.

  15. It's beautiful! Shame that you had such a hard time, but I think it was absolutely worth it. (And your dress form looks eerily like a real body. Without a head etc. You know what I mean.)

  16. You are going to look amazing in that dress. Keep trying!

  17. Awesome dress Lady! You will look so hot in this! This should really make Hubby's jaw drop!

  18. I'm sorry to read that this was such a pain in the arse to make because it is one amazing dress. You are going to look even hawter in it than you did over at Already Pretty.

  19. Fabulous, utterly fabulous and I am sure you look utterly devastating wearing it. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up making it again someday, but can also see that it is not the kind of dress that you want hanging in your closet in every color.

    Oh and the dress form is cute too.

  20. Roses: Well said! Oh, the serger mishaps are painful.

    Suzy: Thank you! I will take photos. Perhaps in NYC this weekend.

    Kim: If mine looks as great on me as yours looks on you, all will be well :-)

    Uta: It's starting to look more like my real body - though it has a way to go. I figure I can still use it to good effect, even if it's not yet perfect.

    D.: Thank you! I will.

    Victoria: Merci!

    R: You are so sweet. Thank you!

    Mardel: You've hit the nail on the head. You can't exactly own it in every colour...

  21. That's one saucey little number. Love it.

  22. This dress came out so hot ...even through your mistakes ...which is why I just cannot bring myself to sew and follow patterns. I don't have the patience. I dunno how you do it. After the first mistake I would have thrown the scissors and called it a day. Nice job!

  23. Cennetta: Why thank you! I think it would go perfectly with your fur bag!

    Maegan: I know that you don't even need patterns, such is your level of natural creativity. I think you should just start making up dresses the way you make up jewelry!
