Thursday, February 20, 2014

For The Knitters (And those Who Like Pretty Pictures)

The migraine which started last Friday is giving me a run for my money. It really needs to go away now. Really.

Anyhow, not up to posting or reading or thinking or much else, but I do want to point you in the direction of a lovely knitting resource:

I discovered this at Fringe Association (a blog you should certainly subscribe to).

Till later...


  1. Ooooh. Thanks! I must have missed any mention of this on Fringe Association! As an aside, I don't have many knitting blogs on my reading list so would love to know of any others you read! Hope that migraine subsides today....

  2. Oooh - I'm now following Fringe Assoc. Interestingly, I'm currently knitting one of the Kirsten Johnstone sweaters pictured in the Amirisu newsletter.

    1. That's totally bizarre! Small, small world. Even with a billion knitting patterns at any given time.

  3. Oooooh, pretty! Just went over to Rav to check out that Kirsten Johnstone ruffly-sleevey-thingy. That might have to happen.

    Hope you feel better ASAP!

    1. Thanks Gail. I'm hanging in. Isn't that top pretty? It's not my scene re: wearing, but I do like it a lot!

  4. Thank you! These are both lovely discoveries -- so good of you to share them. Crossing my fingers you'll feel better soon.

  5. There are some gorgeous patterns in there--I love that Kirsten Johnstone ruffly-sleevey-thingy too. And Gake. And the pebbled parallelogram scarf. And the Mondrian socks are just so fun and cool.

    I may have to break my 3 year knitting ban and actually knit something now. ;-)

    1. The socks are great, I agree. So go do it, break the ban!

  6. Thanks for the tip == I absolutely love this magazine and your discussion on modern knitters (from a later post) . . .

  7. I loved this issue of amirisu, it seems to be getting better and better!

    1. I haven't looked at the others - I have to go through the back issues but I did LOVE this one...
