Saturday, April 18, 2009

Quick Mea Culpa

Hey Y'all: Just want to apologize for being slow on comment response lately. I promise, as always, I will reply to everyone - it's just taking me a bit longer than is strictly polite, because I'm supa busy and challenged with that work-life balance bullshit. Sometimes this career-gal, working mother, home owner/improver, blog having lifestyle is nuts. I really don't know how Gywnnie P does it.


  1. Well, I think she has peeps who do it for her! You need to hire a personal assistant.

  2. Gwyneth is perfect and magical and like unto a goddess. Nothing is beyond her.

  3. she cheats! i am sure she has staff and nannies and oodles of money. and you are juggling a LOT! i do not have kids and still find it difficult to juggle the job, relationships, life + blog. and add kids to that mix? ACK!!!

  4. There's nothing like being slow on the uptake of responding to the comments related to the post about feeling bad about not responding to comments in a timely fashion.

    Ha! This sentence is hilarious run on so I have to leave it in.
