Thursday, August 25, 2016

Wherein I Disclose that I'm Too Tired to Come Up With a Name for this Post

With the move of a few boxes, I've gone from the person who knows everything to the person who knows fairly little. I can't say I prefer the latter :-) Mind you, to feel this way is usefully humbling. It's challenging. It's exciting. It's novel. Sure, I can tell you that I've had some moments over the past couple of transition weeks, bridging former job and new, when my has brain said, "Isn't it time to sit quietly yet?", but I haven't been bored. Some people love that exhilarated tired-high that comes of intense physical exertion, I'm one of those who loves the sparky tired-high of intense mental exertion. Lord, I love learning. It gives me a literal buzz.

But, on some level, I'm holding it together with tape and paper clips. It seems that everything is converging (maybe it always is). I just go from one show to the next, invoking the part of myself that comprehends the subject matter at hand. So, in the interests of preserving very necessary slow burn, I won't be posting here often for the next month or so. I'm going to aim for once a week, but if I need non-work time to allow my brain to simply tick in the background, it may be less frequently still.

I have so many things to say - my life is incredibly rich with experiences right now - but I'll have to save the conversation for moments when I have vitality to spare. While I do miss posting often - posts are a conversation I have with myself, as much as with others - it's time to sublimate my writer energy into work projects for a while. If you've gotta be the person who knows everything - start as you mean to go on, I say. :-)


  1. Best of luck with the new job and the learning curve. Sounds as if you are taking the necessary steps to preserve energy and function. A good thing.

    1. Thanks so much Mary. I'm trying to exercise maturity :-)

  2. A wise decision, and you know we'll be here when you're ready to post again. Now off you go to revel in that learning curve!

  3. Congratulations and good luck as you start on the new job! Looking forward to your posts whenever you have time.

  4. It's great to be in an environment that gives you the time to actually settle in and learn new things - even if it's at an accelerated rate. There's nothing as frustrating as being in a new role and having everyone express shock that you don't know all the nuances of it within the first week...

    1. It really is! My organization is known for being very reasonable in this way. But, of course, my own expectations for quick integration are high :-)

  5. Good luck with the transition! We'll be here when you get back.

  6. congratulations on the new job and goodluck! You are very wise to consciously take a step back and reduce what could be reduced while you conserve your energy where it is needed the most.

    I struggled with that decision this April and it took me a long time to realize I don't 'have to' grow a vegetable garden this year, I don't have to do so many other things this year while saving my mental and physical energy on something else. Just that lesson itself proved to be a big learn g curve for me.

    1. You are so right! I have "lowered my standards" somewhat remarkably and it hasn't ruined my quality of life (as I suspected it would). Sometimes you have to embrace chaos to realize, it's just like everything else - fleeting.
