Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pool of the Week

I didn't realize that Aukland was so perfectly tropical?! (And, have you ever noticed that the word Aukland looks really weird when you spell it out?)

As always, Desire to Inspire gives the goods:

A reader actually took this (and other photos) on a real estate stalk. You should really view the entire post because it's garden porn par excellence.

Especially from this vantage point, in Toronto, where the summer's been hovering on the wrong side of hit and miss, photos like these sustain and torment me.

I call that chaise on the left.


  1. Belle: Really, I want that sky!

  2. Wow! I clicked through to the post and drooled over the other photos too. I keep meaning to get to New Zealand one day...

  3. The pool, the view, just beautiful!

  4. I think I need to go on another vacation immediately!
