Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Today's Post Gets an Update!

Wow. Occasionally, we have to bow at the altar of community...

Let's take a moment to acknowledge Fruchtzwerg for the fashion forensic phenom that she is as we behold the H&M dress I so ineffectively described in my last post:

I truly have no freakin' idea how she managed to a) figure out what the hell I was talking about below and then b) find it online in 3 minutes or less. It's poetry, I tell you!

So whatcha think?


  1. I like the dress in concept but I have large breasts I really doubt I could wear it.


  2. You need to go get that dress NOW.

  3. I really like it! If they had a kid's one, I would buy it, but for now I should just envy your opportunity to get it (which, by the way, YOU SHOULD TAKE)

  4. I like it. . .but I would love the bottom in heather grey or black. . . what can I say, I'm boring sometimes!!

  5. First at all, thank you so much for these kind words about me in your post, you're seriously made me blushed :)

    And second, you know what I'm thinking about that dress, you HAVE to get it. NOW.

    And get one for me.
    Honestly, drop everything and go back and get it.

  7. I love it but my only concern is where the bodice pleats might fall-on the largest part of one's bosom? Just above, creating a faux bottom cleavage (or whatever that term is). But I KNOW that you are super aware of such issues, so this must be a magical, perfect dress. Go get it!

  8. I quite like this dress, and it is rather a bargain price too. Given that it doesn't do anything for the waist, I'd say that this is one for playing up the pins with some seriously eye-gouging stilettos.

  9. Anna: I have large breasts which is one of the reasons I doubted I could wear it - but when I tried it on I was surprised how that wasn't the first thing the eye is drawn to. The larger challenge with the dress - from my perspective - is the lack of waist. But it's so unique!

    Y, Riz and Fr.: I'm gonna find some time today. Swear.

    Tavi: If they had a kid's one you would look awesome in it. BTW, not only do I love your blog but my daughter loves it too!

    E: Of course, that would make it more practical. But you gotta love the relative impracticality of this dress.

    Miss C: Your point is excellent, of course. This is something I considered at length. Because the tank (ecru) part stops above the breasts (on purpose) it's not as much of an issue. Also, because the bottom gathers in, it also seems to mitigate that - how I don't really understand. But, if the fates see fit to let me try it on again, I will reconsider.

    SKM: You are so right about the heels. And the price.

  10. I have a friend like that -- she can instantly find a picture of anything! Including a time I described a vintage dress I had bought to her and she immediately found a photo of Gina Gershon wearing that specific dress! (search for Gina on my blog to see this)

  11. Enc, I know. It's freaky genius. Those youngun's scare me with their smartness.

    WendyB: Isn't it great to have a friend like that! Don't you feel so understood? Will check out Gina on your blog. I love her.

  12. I love the pink dress!It would suit you so well!Hope you find it!XOXO

  13. Daphne: When you read on, you'll discover that the dress was no longer avail in my size, but if you are a 4 or 6, it may still be there for you...

