Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You Bet Your Ass We Can...

Last night I felt like I was watching the most riveting, heartwarming, well-written (least Sorkinism-laden), optimistic episode of the West Wing.

Only it was real, thank you.


  1. Pinch me again, K-Line. I can't believe we did it!

  2. I woke this a.m. fearing it was all a lovely dream. But, it was instead a dream come true. Hooray!
    p.s. I bet Josh Lyman would love to work for Obama.:-)

  3. Thank you for putting up with us for the past 8 years.

  4. Apologies for the nightmare of the last 8 years.
    It's a new day!

  5. Congratulations! :D We're all so excited for you in the rest of the world.

  6. oh YES, OH Yes! Oh YES OH YES OH YES!
    *bangs table with fist*

    Oh YES!!!!


  7. I'm so relieved that we have a chance to do some good things now.


  8. The whole thing did remind me of The West Wing. I love the fact that Obama is so unapologetically intelligent!!!

  9. DG: It is so exciting! Thanks for your comment. I'm going to have get familiar with your blog(s).

    Belette: I love Josh. Why isn't he on another show??

    Dr. M and Janet: You two are hilarious. As an American/Canadian, I put up with the foibles of practically a whole continent :-)

    Andrea: It's interesting to see it as an insider (I voted, my family lives in US) and an outsider (I am also Canadian and have lived most of my life in Canada).

    Hammie: I dig the extra emphasis. Very Irish-seeming!

    E: It was so fun going through the election with you...

    Songy: ME TOO! I love unapologetic intelligence. So under-utilized!

  10. I sure missed you!!! I missed your musings and rambles, wit and charm! How are you? Just got back and trying to catch up on wash before we head out again. Josh Lyman.... BOOYA-- I have missed West wing but they are playing it on OVER here in Tokyo...

  11. GJ: I wish they were doing reruns here (I don't have cable so it's all hit and miss for me...) Have a great time on your next leg of the trip...
